Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day 2009

The goal of BAD '09 is to get bloggers all over the world to, on the same day, discuss an issue that is relevant on a worldwide scale. This year's issue is climate change. I don't claim to know much about climate change. But, what I do know is this: climate change affects us all. It doesn't discriminate based on age, race, gender, or socio-economic status. Climate change gravely affects our world. The human race can do much to help sustain the environments in which we live. We can all recycle (or at least try), use eco-friendly products, and continue to research alternative sources of energy (wind, solar, hydro-electric). If we don't help protect our precious planet, then future generations will definitely suffer. We should all take responsibility for our planet because it is ours to protect. The ad industry can do much to help raise awareness about climate change. Many people (including myself) know the term climate change but don't really grasp the seriousness of the issue. By exploiting various media vehicles to put the issue of climate change on display, the ad industry can help to change the world, literally.

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