Monday, October 12, 2009

Who Said Print Magazines Are Dead?


I've recently fallen in love with Black Enterprise magazine. I started out reading the mag for a class assignment and quickly became infatuated with it. Black Enterprise (BE) inspires and encourages the Black community to go for their dreams while also planning for their financial future. As a young Black graduate student, BE reminds me that my dreams are well within my reach (even though the economy pretty much sucks). The mag also taught me an extremely valuable lesson, one in which I'd almost forgotten. Believing in yourself is the best investment that you can make towards your future. Never be afraid to dream big, for you shall always regret it if you don't.

BE has affected my life in a real way in just a short amount of time. I'm going to suscribe to the mag and keep hope alive that I will make it in the ad industry. BE has restored my faith in myself and given me hope not only for today, but for the future as well. It is sure to do the same for you. Black Enterprise, buy it, read it, and share it.

1 comment:

  1. Try reading The Secret, if you haven't already. If you think it will happen, act like it will happen, it will happen. You gotta believe.
